The Book of Alternative Records
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New claim submitted for Hobby Horse High Jump
New claim submitted for Push-ups, 4 Hours Relay, Women
New claim submitted for human conveyor belt, fastest


(e.g football beer mat)
The following page will explain how you can become one of our ever growing record breakers!

How to become a record holder

You too could have what it takes to become a record breaker. No matter how great or small, we will consider your record for inclusion in the next edition of "The Book of Alternative Records"

  • Can you break one of the records published in the book?
  • Are you suggesting a new record category?
  • Do you have corrections to the published records?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, then please send us an e-mail to:

Alternatively, you may wish to write. You can contact us at one of the following address:

The Book of Alternative Records
Ralf Laue
Bamberger Str. 53 a
04207 Leipzig


3 Steps for submitting a new record


Step 1: Contact us BEFORE your attempt!

If a record is not published in this book, this does not necessarily mean that there is no current record. If you wish to find out the current status of a world record, or you are considering a record attempt, whether it is an existing record, or a new category of record, please contact us in the first instant. In some cases, we will send you detailed rules for the record category.

Step 2: Download the form

Record breakers should print and fill out the form that can be downloaded HERE.

Step 3: Send the documentation

The form needs to be signed by at least two persons in a responsible position (i.e. a mayor, a sports referee or someone of that calibre). The position of these persons should be documented with a company stamp or seal, or if they prefer they can also write their documentation on their own headed paper instead.

The documentation of a record should also include newspaper cuttings (if available), video documentation on VHS or DVD (if useful to document the record) and photographs (by sending photos you agree to us publishing them in a later edition of the book and other related media without a license-fee).

For some categories, we will ask you for other documentation as well, for example a cycle calibration protocol for static cycling records or a logbook for endurance marathons, showing that the attempt was under constant supervision and that medical checks were performed during the attempt.

Please forward documentation with the form over page to:

The Book of Alternative Records
Ralf Laue
Bamberger Str. 53 a
04207 Leipzig

(We cannot accept record applications by e-mail)


Which Records will we consider for publication?

For information regarding the records we will accept for publication, and record challenges, then Click here