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New claim submitted for Hobby Horse High Jump
New claim submitted for Push-ups, 4 Hours Relay, Women
New claim submitted for human conveyor belt, fastest


(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Push-ups, 4 Hours Relay, Women - Current world record
1. A team of six women (up to ten would be allowed for this category) from the Iron Jungle Gym in Owensboro (Kentucky, USA) did 15,908 push-ups in 4 hours on 28 September 2024. At each point of time, only one team member was allowed to do push-ups. The team members were Brenna Alderton, Maliyah Taylor, Heather Grose, Megan Durham, Sarah Hayden and Helah Pettigrew (all USA).
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