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New claim submitted for Most ski-lifts ridden in 24 Hours
New claim submitted for Treadmill, One Week, Men
New claim submitted for Wheelbarrow Pushing, Highest Altitude


(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Backwards Joggling, One Mile - Current world record
1. Joe Salter (USA) ran one mile backwards while juggling three balls in a time of 7:42 minutes on 17 May 2013 at the Gulf Breeze High School Track in Gulf Breeze, Florida, USA.

Previous verified claims
1. Nathaniel Tower (USA) ran one mile backwards while juggling three balls in a time of 8:22.5 minutes on 30 November 2012 at Francis Howell High School in Weldon Springs, Missouri, USA

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