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New claim submitted for Push-ups, 4 Hours Relay, Women
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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Pull-ups, one hour, Male - Current world record
1. Jan Kareš (Czech Republic) completed 1302 pull-ups in 60 minutes on 29 September 2024 at Aldrov Resort, Czech Republic.

Previous verified claims
1. Jan Kareš (Czech Republic) completed 1246 pull-ups within one hour on 19 October 2021 in Prague.
2. Jan Kareš (Czech Republic) completed 1120 pull-ups within one hour on 9 November 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic.

3. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 1009 pull-ups in one hour on 1 August 2010 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
4. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 1008 pull-ups in one hour on 24 January 2010 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
5. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 994 pull-ups in one hour on 1 January 2010 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
6. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 976 pull-ups in one hour on 19 December 2009 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
7. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 953 pull-ups in one hour on 28 October 2009 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
8. Jason Petzold (USA) completed 920 pull-ups in one hour on 27 September 2009 in Millington, Michigan, USA.
9. Stephen Hyland (UK) completed 880 pull-ups in 60 minutes on 30 May 2009 in Stoneleigh, Surrey, UK.
10. Jason Petzold (USA) completed 867 pull-ups within one hour on 5 April 2009 in Millington, Michigan (USA).
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