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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

fastest card cutter, one-handed - Current world record
1. Zdenek Bradac (Czech Republic) did 73 Charlier cuts using a deck of 52 playing cards in Hamburg, Germany on 7 June 2009.

Previous verified claims
1. Jörg Kehlhoffner (Germany) did 67 Charlier cuts using a deck of 52 playing cards in Ulmen, Germany, on 18 November 2007.
2. Matthew J. Cassiere became the fastest one-handed card cutter by doing 57 Charlier cuts using a deck of 52 playing cards within one minute. The record attempt took place in the home of the magic collector Edward Hill in North Providence (USA) on November 9th 2005.
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