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New claim submitted for Hobby Horse High Jump
New claim submitted for Push-ups, 4 Hours Relay, Women
New claim submitted for human conveyor belt, fastest


(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

human conveyor belt, fastest - Current world record
1. During this record attempt, 100 or more people must pass a weighted object that is at least four feet long and weights 10 or more pounds along a human conveyor belt as fast as possible. The object must be passed by people laying flat on the ground by rolling their bodies in the same direction while avoiding the use of their hands, arms, feet and legs. On 8 November 2024, 104 students at Eisenhower Junior High School in Taylorsville (Utah, USA), set the record by transferring a mattress over a distance of 130 feet in 1:35 minutes.

Previous verified claims
1. During this record attempt, 100 or more people must pass a weighted object that is at least four feet long and weights 10 or more pounds along a human conveyor belt as fast as possible. The object must be passed by people laying flat on the ground by rolling their bodies in the same direction while avoiding the use of their hands, arms, feet and legs. On 3 March 2005, 100 students at Eisenhower Junior High School in Taylorsville (Utah, USA), set the record, by transferring a mattress in 2:01 minutes.

For more information, visit the record holders' web site.

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