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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Speed Football Control, 30 seconds - Current world record
1. The record for the most touches of a football within 30 seconds is held by Parker Kulinski (USA) with 252 touches on 12 April 2010 at Portsmouth High School (USA).

Previous verified claims
1. The record for the most touches of a football within 30 seconds is held by John Stayskal (USA) with 185 kicks on 11 February 2007 in Lakeland, Florida.
2. The record for the most touches of a football within 30 seconds is held by Chloe Hegland (Canada) with 155 kicks on 12 December 2006 in Victoria.
3. Speed juggling: Tasha-Nicole Terani, from the USA managed 137 touches (kicks) of a football in 30 seconds on 27 August 2003 in New York.
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