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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Mental Calculation, Division - Current world record
1. Aaryan Shukla (India) solved ten problems for dividing a 10-digit number by a 5-digit number in 41.6 seconds on 17 July 2022 at the Mental Calculation World Cup 2022 in Paderborn, Germany.

Previous verified claims
1. Jeonghee Lee (South Korea) solved ten problems for dividing a 10-digit number by a 5-digit number in 53.2 seconds on 30 September 2018 at Hotel Primas in Wolfsburg (Germany).
2. Hakan Gürbaşlar (Turkey) solved ten problems for dividing a 10-digit number by a 5-digit number in 169 seconds on the occasion of the Brain Awareness Week on 21 March 2015 at Neva Palas Hotel in Ankara, Turkey.
3. Amit Garg (India) solved ten problems for dividing a 10-digit number by a 5-digit number in 5:45 minutes on 15 March 2012 at Baybridge Decision Technologies in Annapolis (USA).
4. Willem Bouman (Netherlands) solved ten problems for dividing a 10-digit number by a 5-digit number in 6:07 minutes on 18 October 2011 at the Christiaan Huygens College in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
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