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New claim submitted for Most ski-lifts ridden in 24 Hours
New claim submitted for Treadmill, One Week, Men
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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Largest LEGO Mosaic - Current world record
1. On 5-7 May 2012, visitors of the Lego Show 2012 at Event City in Manchester (UK) built a mosaic from 660,000 bricks, measuring 143.91 sq metres. The image showed sports related LEGO minifigures.

Previous verified claims
1. The team Danish LUG Byggepladen (led by Per Langkilde) and visitors assembled a LEGO mosaic measuring 14.83 m x 7.93 m on 17-20 February 2011 at LEGO World 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

2. 2000 participants assembled a LEGO mosaic measuring 97.5 sq m at Shoreditch Town Hall in London on 23-25 October 2010. The mosaic, designed by Zoltan Simon, contained 384,000 bricks and 1,500 baseplates. It featured Star Wars characters Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Jabba the Hut. The event was organized by DK Publishing and the Brickish Association to promote the launch of the LEGO Star Wars Brickmaster Book.

3. At the 100steine-Land meeting in Berlin, LEGO fans created a LEGO image measuring 7.70 m x 11.50 m. It showed LEGO figures in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
4. A team led by Tobias Reichling, Thomas Wesselski, Jan Beyer, Caspar Jensen Bennedsen, Marion and Andreas Oppermann built a LEGO mosaic measuring 10.37 m x 8.06 m on 18-22 February 2010. The mosaic was an image of the Legoworld Copenhagen logo. Photos can be found here.
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