The Book of Alternative Records
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New claim submitted for Joggling, 6 Hours
New claim submitted for Heading a Basketball
New claim submitted for Hotstepper Tricks, 30 Seconds


(e.g football beer mat)
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 37 - Collections
There are currently no sub categories for this category
Record Name       Description
Ballpoint pen collection       Collecting the most ballpoint pens...
Barf bag collection       The largest collection of “airsickness” bags...
Chamber pots       The world's largest collection of chamber pots ...
Largest crossword puzzle       The largest crossword ever to be actually published...
Kitchen timer       The largest collection of kitchen timers...
Nutcracker       The world's largest collection of nut crackers...
Pedal Cars       The largest collection of pedal cars...
Refridgerator magnets       The largest collection of refridgerator magnets...
Largest Sugar Bag Collection       The largest collection of sugar bags and packed sugar cubes...
Toothpaste collection       The largest collection of tubes of toothpaste...
Yardstick collection       The largest largest yardstick collection...
Tie-Pin collection       largest collection of (different) tie-pins...
Dice collection       The largest collection of dice...
Largest collection of handcuffs       largest handcuff and restraint collection...
Largest Collection of Hot Wheels Model Cars       Largest Collection of Hot Wheels Model Cars...
Largest Collection of Military Headgear       Largest Collection of Military Headgear...
Name Tag Sticker Collection       Largest Collection of Name Tag Stickers...
Largest Collection of Rulers       Largest Collection of Rulers...
Hard-Disk Drive Collection       largest collection of computer hard-disk drives...
Key Chain Collection       largest collection of key chains...
Largest Collection of Entry Tickets       Largest Collection of Entry Tickets (all kinds of events and admission tickets to museums etc.)...
Largest Collectiion of Fire Truck Models       Largest Collectiion of Fire Truck Models...